How Long Does Weed Last?

How Long Does Weed Last?

Posted by Puffr ,12th Jun 2023

While many people do not worry about keeping cannabis for extensive periods of time (you maybe have the opposite problem...), those who purchase large amounts from a wholesale smoke shop may face the trouble of keeping it fresh. If you’re questioning how to keep your good stuff stashed away and fresh, look no further, we have you covered.

What Happens To Your Weed Over Time?

Just like any other plant, there is that common question, "How long will my weed stay fresh?" What’s important to note is the several factors that affect this. Light, temperature, humidity, and oxygen can all change the freshness of your weed. Unfortunately, this can lead to a change in taste, smell, and overall potency.

According to 2020 glass mason jar is the way forward. Mason jars are airtight sealed, meaning less exposure to oxygen compared to when using plastic bags or containers.

Storage and Humidity

Just like we said before, weed is best kept in a cool, dry spot with a relative level of humidity. If your cannabis is stored at extreme ends of this spectrum, its condition will definitely deteriorate with each passing day - and that is a crime (or it should be). Storage in a glass jar, in a closet, or in a cabinet with a temperature below 77 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect.

The Bottom Line

While storing weed for a long duration, there are several things to consider. If stored correctly, your weed should not go off over shorter periods of time. It is important to remember that naturally, the potency will reduce over extensive periods, but by following our tips, you can enjoy your weed for longer and hopefully reduce the chance of ever having to throw any away.

Essentially, if you sensibly store your weed with the correct equipment and in the correct conditions, your weed will stay fresh for roughly up to a year without declining too much in potency.

The Conditions That Affect Your Weed’s Potency

Maintaining the condition of the cannabis you purchase from a wholesale smoke shop is pretty important. You want the high-grade stuff that you bought from the dispensary, not an ancient bag of dust. There are several conditions that are causing your weed to deteriorate and lose potency. Here’s a list of factors that could contribute.


Exposure to light can alter the potency of your cannabis. Leaving your goodies out in the light will kill off your weed. Make sure to store your weed in the dark. That way, you can enjoy your stash for even longer.


Temperature is vital to acknowledge if you wish to keep your weed strong. Similar to light, exposing your grass to extreme temperatures will ruin its potency. We recommend storage in a cool, dry place. There are myths about preserving weed in the freezer, but this is not a good idea. Just keep it simple. A cool and dry place will do you a favor in the long term.


Humidity is crucial during storage for a few reasons. Too much humidity causes mold or decay, which can cause illness if consumed. When storing cannabis, keeping humidity levels between 59-63 percent will help to prevent this from happening. Too little humidity, and you’ll be left with a dry stash. Finding the perfect middle ground will keep your stash loud and potent.

Can You Tell If Your Weed Is Off?

Cannabis will go bad if allowed to and there are several obvious signs to watch out for. The first vital check is for signs of mold or decay. Think of it as checking the expiry date on your milk before you pour it on your cereal. Spotting mold can prove difficult, but it will appear coated in a white fuzz or powder. In this instance, it will smell damp.

If you store your weed correctly, it will maintain the fresh smell and potency from when you purchased it. If your weed has decayed, it’s best to kiss goodbye to your stash. Smoking moldy weed can cause harmful lung infections.

Steps To Keep Your Weed Fresh

Let’s take a look at keeping your cannabis fresh. Although not all weed strains are the same, follow these tips to preserve your high-grade weed.

Choose the Best Container

Chuck those plastic bags and containers. These methods are proven to reduce the potency of your weed. They allow too much oxygen to enter and this messes with the quality. Using a glass mason jar is the way forward. Mason jars are airtight sealed, meaning less exposure to oxygen compared to when using plastic bags or containers.

Storage and Humidity

Just like we said before, weed is best kept in a cool, dry spot with a relative level of humidity. If your cannabis is stored at extreme ends of this spectrum, its condition will definitely deteriorate with each passing day - and that is a crime (or it should be). Storage in a glass jar, in a closet, or in a cabinet with a temperature below 77 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect.

The Bottom Line

While storing weed for a long duration, there are several things to consider. If stored correctly, your weed should not go off over shorter periods of time. It is important to remember that naturally, the potency will reduce over extensive periods, but by following our tips, you can enjoy your weed for longer and hopefully reduce the chance of ever having to throw any away.