Eight Ways to Better Mask the Smell of Weed

Eight Ways to Better Mask the Smell of Weed

Posted by Puffr ,6th Feb 2023
Updated on November 27 th 2023

Quality cannabis has a smell all its own. It's a full-bodied aroma rich in promise and personality and the second you detect it, it conjures up pleasurable thoughts. Unless, of course, you're a policeman or some other representative of the powers that be who still consider weed a danger to society. Should one of them detect the sweet smell of quality herb their minds turn to "potential bust". With that in mind, the gang here at the Puffr wholesale head shop got to wondering about the best ways to hide the smell of weed. Keep reading to find out what we came up with.

After putting our heads together and comparing notes we determined that the following represent the 8 best ways to prevent others from smelling your sweet, sweet herb.

#1: Ventilation

Whether you’re smoking in a van, an apartment or a hotel room the smell of herb is likely to linger a long time in the furniture, drapery, clothes, rugs and other items. If you are intent on not letting anyone detect that you’ve been smoking herb the first thing you need to do is open a window. And that’s true even if it’s 10 degrees outside. Once you open the window don’t sit across the room from it. Get up close and personal with it and blow as much smoke out the window as possible. If there is a fan available point it so that it’s blowing out the window too.

#2: Scented candles and incense

You should be able to smoke in your apartment without being hassled. But you might still want to mitigate the smell of weed just in case the landlord pays an unexpected visit. This is where incense and scented candles come in. Let’s say you opened the windows while you smoked and now the windows are closed and you’re just listening to some music. Fire up a scented candle or a stick of incense and let it burn for a while. This will help cover any lingering herb smell. Even if you haven’t smoked in a while, fire up a candle or some incense anyway to cover any residual odors.

#3: Brew some coffee

Coffee is one of the few common consumables whose odor is nearly as powerful as cannabis. So, those of us at the wholesale smoke shop highly recommend taking advantage of this fact by brewing some coffee to cover the smell of your herb. We’re not talking about making a cup of freeze-dried or instant coffee. We mean get a coffee maker of some sort, buy some beans and brew a real pot of coffee. If you’ve never done it before you’ll be amazed at how effectively coffee overpowers the smell of herb.

#4: Take a walk

Want to make sure your house, apartment or car doesn’t smell like weed? Smoke outside. While this might seem painfully obvious it’s often the solutions that are right in front of our face that elude us. We’re not talking about taking your customized bong outside, but if you’ve got some papers or a glass pipe take a walk and spark up outside. Besides not smoking at all it’s the easiest way to keep your interiors from smelling like weed.

#5: Don’t leave open containers of weed lying around

Let’s say you opened your window and blew most of the smoke outside. Great! Now you’re kicking back secure in the belief that your space doesn’t smell like herb. But if you left your bag or other container of weed open on the table it’s releasing those lovely little terpenes into the air while you giggle at old Monty Python reruns. To prevent this, always store your weed in an aroma-proof container like a Mason jar, and keep the lid on whenever you’re not using it.

#6: Ye Olde air freshener

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best one. In this case, we're talking about picking up some cheap, widely available air fresheners and placing them around the apartment or in your car to remove the smell of cannabis. It should be noted, however, that if you're a regular smoker an air freshener isn't likely to be enough to cover the smell all by itself. Even so, it should be a part of a larger strategy to keep the smell of weed from lingering.

#7: Embrace the vaporizer

Vaporizers produce noticeably less smell than a custom bong, glass pipes or joints. So if you’re really concerned about minimizing the smell of herb in your home or car, consider vaping instead of smoking. Vaporizers are also easier to use on-the-go, as they can easily be tucked away in pockets or bags for intermittent use throughout your day.

#8: Make a sploof

A sploof filters out odor-causing terpenes and keeps your space (mostly) free of the smell of cannabis. (Still, you may want to have a couple of air fresheners or scented candles around as backup.) Sploofs are easy to make. All you need is a cardboard toilet paper roll, a couple of scented dryer sheets and a rubber band. Affix the dryer sheets to one end of the paper roll and then exhale into the uncovered end.

Closing Thoughts From Our Smoke Shop Team

Here at the wholesale head shop, we're all about making life better for our customers. We hope you found our 8 ways to eliminate the smell of herb helpful. And if you're in Denver stop by our Logan Court location and check out our customized glass pipes.