Offering Weed at Your Wedding? Eight Things to Keep in Mind

Offering Weed at Your Wedding? Eight Things to Keep in Mind

Posted by Puffr ,14th Nov 2022

Since the turn of the century, the movement to legalize weed has swept across the nation. These days only a handful of states and the federal government continue to classify marijuana as a controlled substance and outlaw its use. In the 31 states where recreational use is now allowed or weed has been decriminalized it's becoming increasingly integrated into the fabric of everyday life, and that includes our most important ceremonies such as weddings.

However, even though weed is now being offered openly at weddings it doesn’t mean that you should just whip out the custom bong once the "I do"s are done and offer it to your new mother-in-law. As is the case with alcohol there's a right way and a wrong way to offer weed at your wedding. Most weed etiquette simply has to do with making sure everybody at your big get-together is comfortable, even those who don't care for marijuana.

Eight Tips for Incorporating Weed into Your Wedding

None of these tips are etched in stone, and we know some people will balk at exercising any kind of restraint. After all, it’s your wedding, your day, you can do whatever the hell you want. We get it. But consideration for others is what makes the world go round and so we would suggest you at least read through the following list before buying wholesale glass pipes and passing them out to your wedding guests.

ONE: Inform your guests ahead of time

While most people are aware that marijuana is a pretty benign substance many are still not used to being in places where it’s enjoyed openly. So the least you can do is give all your guests a heads up that weed is going to be part of the celebration. You can do this by just putting a little note on the invitation, something along the lines of "Weed-friendly wedding".

TWO: Exercise restraint

The "r" word is not one that long-suffering herb aficionados want to hear. To them, they waited and restrained themselves long enough. Now that recreational marijuana use is legal they feel they should be able to imbibe whenever they want. While that’s understandable, social settings that involve lots of people from a variety of backgrounds call for everyone to restrain themselves to some degree. Otherwise, what you’d have is chaos. Not a word you want associated with your wedding.

THREE: Try having a "budtender"

The budtender’s responsibilities mirror those of the bartender. They position themselves behind the weed bar and dispense joints or bong hits. They monitor consumption to ensure nobody winds up zombi-fied and they answer any questions guests might have. The budtender can even check IDs to make sure nobody under 21 is getting high.

FOUR: Centralize the weed consumption

This is related to the budtender in the sense that having a "weed bar" will allow you to keep things at the wedding nice and orderly. Remember, there are still some people who equate smoking anything with smoking cigarettes. While you shouldn’t ban weed from your wedding to accommodate these uninformed individuals it’s in your interest to maintain harmony among the guests. Keeping the weed consumption limited to a weed bar is a good way to do so.

FIVE: Make sure the bartender knows what’s going on

Weddings and overindulging tend to go hand in hand, and often times the bartender winds up being blamed when cousin Cletus knocks over the wedding cake in a drunken stupor. So don’t make the bartender’s job any more difficult than it already is. Give them a head’s up that guests will be getting high so that they can more accurately judge someone’s state before deciding whether to give them another drink or shut them off.

SIX: Make sure the facility allows it

Yes, recreational marijuana use is now legal in 19 states, but that doesn’t mean that every location where weddings are held allows weed. Many will not. So if you plan on making weed part of your wedding make sure the hall you plan to rent will allow it before you whip out the custom water pipe.

SEVEN: Try edibles

One way to keep peace among a crowd that you know is going to include members of the anti-smoking cabal is to offer edibles instead of allowing everyone to pass around the customized bong. The key to having edibles at a social gathering is careful monitoring of consumption. For that reason, you should assign someone to dole out the edibles in a controlled fashion to ensure no one over-indulges.

EIGHT: Provide plenty of snacks

If folks are going to be toking at the reception they’re going to get the munchies. There are two ways to deal with this eventuality. You can let a few people eat the whole damn wedding cake to satisfy their munchies or you can make sure you provide plenty of snacks for your stoned guests. That way they won’t devour the cake or scour the chaffing dish of shrimp before anyone else has some.

Buy Custom Glass Pipes for Your Wedding at the Puffr Wholesale Smoke Shop

The legalization of weed has created a slew of new situations that need to be handled with a bit of discretion and tact. Offering weed at a wedding is one such situation. But if you take the above tips to heart there’s a good chance your big day will come off without a hitch.