Six Ways You Can Repurpose a Retired Bong

Six Ways You Can Repurpose a Retired Bong

Posted by Puffr ,9th Mar 2023

If we want to avoid living in a cesspool of our own trash it’s important that we find ways to generate less of it. Duh, right? But it’s not just the billions of plastic water bottles that are discarded every year that we have to worry about. It’s also the less obvious things like bicycles, toothbrushes, pots and pans and sneakers that are clogging landfills and becoming a blight upon the landscape.

In this post, the team at the Puffr wholesale head shop are going to look at another item that’s not often thought of in terms of recycling/repurposing. That being the humble bong. But now that they are selling by the millions it’s time people started thinking about ways to repurpose their old bong rather than simply tossing it in the trash.

Repurposing Your Beautiful Custom Bong

If you clean your bong regularly and otherwise take good care of it it’s going to provide years of dependable service. But even the best bongs reach the end of their usefulness at some point. When that happens the default way of dealing with it has always been to just chuck it in the trash.

But these days, with environmental issues at the forefront of everyone’s thinking and scourges like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch reminding us of the impact our consumer habits are having on the planet, we need to consider different ways of dealing with bongs that have passed their expiration date.

So that’s exactly what we’re here to do.

Six Ways to Repurpose Your Obsolete Bong

Let’s get right to it, shall we?

#1: Turn it into a stylin’ vase

Bongs are made to hold water and because most of them are transparent it’s always easy to see the level of the water inside. This makes an old bong a potentially excellent vase. So take advantage of that. Clean the old bong up nice and then take it out any time you bring flowers home, just as you would a traditional vase.

An old bong will look great with some wildflowers squirting out of the top, or even roses. You’ll know when the water is getting low and you’ll impress your friends with both your ingenuity and your environmental awareness. If you’re a fan of paper flowers you can set up the old bong with said flowers as a permanent addition to a counter, end table or kitchen table.

#2: Use it as a water jug

You love water, your guests love water, even those of us at the Puffr wholesale smoke shop love water. So why not repurpose your old bong as a one-of-a-kind water jug. You’ll score more of those invaluable environmental awareness points with your friends and you’ll have a nice conversation piece during your next party.

If you’re getting rid of your old bong because it’s too dirty and you’re not keen on the idea of passing out water (or other beverages) with it, then use it to water your plants with. After all, plants need water too.

#3: Use it as a key rack

If the upper portion of your bong is made of acrylic, plastic or borosilicate glass why not just place the bong on a table near the front door, hang a few S-hooks over the side of the mouthpiece and hang your keys on them? Of course, you won't want to try this if your bong is made of standard glass, but these days most are made of tougher stuff and won't crack if the keys contact them.

#4: Use it as a base for a bong lamp

A large bong is typically very stable and has a long neck. As a result, it can make a good base for a table lamp. Remove the downstem and run the power cord through that opening up to the bulb at the top of the neck where the mouthpiece is/was.

You may have to fashion an adapter that holds tight to the top of the neck while simultaneously providing a platform for your lightbulb. Or you could simply hang a string of tiny LED bulbs into the neck all the way down to the former water chamber. With a little more effort, you might be able to create your own bong lava lamp. For ideas just Google "bong lamps".

#5: Appreciate it for its innate beauty

These days many bongs are as much works of art as they are launching pads for epic highs. If you are retiring an old bong that had some serious aesthetic cache you don’t really have to do anything elaborate to it. Just place it on a shelf or table like you would a small sculpture and simply appreciate it for its natural beauty.

#6: Recycle it

If all else fails don’t just toss your old customized bong “as is” in the trash, or do what some geniuses on various weed forums suggest and bury it in the woods. Instead, take a few minutes and (carefully) break it down into its component parts and recycle them. As most bongs are made mostly of different types of glass and plastic it shouldn’t be too hard to determine which recycling bin to toss them into.

Customized Water Pipes Can Have More Than One Use

When the time comes to move on from your beloved old bong don’t just bury it in the woods or toss it in the trash. Do the world a favor and use one of the above ways to repurpose it, or invent another way.

For customized glass pipes that you’ll value for years stop by the Puffr wholesale head shop on Logan Court in Denver. We’re open seven days a week.